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Manufacturer generated delay affecting certain defibrillator products.
Due to the global chip shortage and supply chain issues caused by world events, we're currently experiencing stock issues with the products listed underneath and have no details currently as to when they will be available to purchase. We will keep this notice updated as we learn more:
- iPAD SP1 Defib Pads (currently out of stock, with no restock date)
- Phillips Defibrillators, Batteries and Pads (currently out of stock, with no restock date)
- LifePak CR Plus Defibrillator, Pads and Batteries (currently out of stock with no restock date).

Please refer to the supplier websites or your defibrillator handbook for information and advice relating to out of date defibrillator pads, unfortunately we are unable to advise on this.


- Phillips HS FR/FR2 Defib Pads (now expected in early June)
- Phillips HS1 Adult Pads (now expected in Early June)

All other delays remain the same.

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